Jumpstart your Mortgage Loan Originator Career

MLO training-Learn how to start closing loans even as a beginner in 1 course-Software & Automating processes

What you will learn

Start closing loans as soon as you finish this course as a mortgage loan originator

Discover how to submit loans to lenders

Master the interest rate pricing process to give borrowers par pricing, rate credits, or buy down loan points

Start working right away as a loan officer by mastering the key topics in this course

Understand how digital storage can allow you to save files and work faster and with less paperwork as a mortgage loan originator

Understand what an EPO is and what it means for you

Obtain a borrower signature authorization and getting executed before pulling credit

Run Desktop Underwriter and Loan Prospector overview

Learn to prequalify borrowers quickly and efficiently through prequal links


Have you ever wanted to start working at a mortgage company but didn’t know where to start? Are you looking to start a career in the mortgage industry? This course prepares you to work for a mortgage company and can land you a job with Finibi Mortgage once you pass and finish all the lectures provided. No theory, only real on-the-job knowledge. Yes, once you finish this course and get licensed, you can close more loans!

The mortgage market is always growing and mortgage companies are always hiring. When interest rates are low, conventional, FHA, VA, and USDA loans are popular. When interest rates are high, investor loans are extremely popular and profitable. The mortgage industry is a great opportunity to increase your income even on a part-time basis and it gives you the chance to greatly increase your income for years to come. This course is simple and easy to understand since it takes you through the entire process step by step. It’s directed towards people who have already obtained, are studying for, or want to take there mortgage loan originator license but anyone can take this course and then get licensed. It will teach you the behind the scenes, practical side of the business, not theory as most courses teach. Don’t wait to change your life, change your life by taking this course.


  1. You will start make a great income on a part-time or full-time basis (you make your own schedule!)
  2. Earn high commissions (most starting LO’s make $60,000+ on average)
  3. Learn how the entire mortgage process works from A to Z
  4. Discover how to use technology to automate the entire process
  5. Start a long lasting career in real estate financing

This course covers:

  1. How to prequalify a borrower using lender technology
  2. How to price an interest rate and understand what a rate credit is and what buying down an interest rate means
  3. What you can do to delegate the processing side of the business
  4. How to run DU and LP to pre-underwrite loans
  5. Where you need to go to store digital files and share them with your team members and broker
  6. How to go over a loan application and how to order an appraisal
  7. and much more….

Once you finish this course, you can download the course certificate which will allow you to land a job with a bank, lender, or mortgage company. Also, I offer a 30 day money back guarantee so you can cancel if you are not completely satisfied so you have nothing to lose.

It’s time to get started with this course.



Jumpstarting your career as a Mortgage Loan Originator

Is it profitable to become a mortgage loan originator?
Do you need to know how to process loans?
Will you have a flexible work schedule as a mortgage loan originator?
Where should you search for leads?

Start prequalifying and submit loans as a mortgage loan officer

Prequalifying a borrower process
Pipeline overview, downloading files, and managing your prequal link
Getting started reviewing your loan application on the lenders portal
Employment and income, liabilities, details of transaction, and declarations
Mastering the fees section of the loan application
Running DU & LP, submit to UW, generating loan docs, ordering the appraisals
Delegating loan processor tasks

Understand interest rate options and pricing borrower mortgage loans

Pricing out an interest rate
How to read interest rate ranges and options

Digital file storage, file sharing, preventing fraud, and what EPO’s are

Make the most of the technology available to you
Understanding what Dropbox is and a general overview of th website
Sharing folders on Dropbox
Doing loans the right way to prevent fraud
Understanding EPO’s and how they affect your compensation

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